Restorative Dentistry

Improves oral health and function. Common dental restorations include fillings, crowns, bridges and implants.

Our Restorative Dentistry Services

Dental Fillings

During dental examination, our dentist found an old amalgam filling that is broken. Bacteria can harbour in the crack. A new filling is recommended.

Dental decay, also commonly known as cavities, is the most common dental disease for adults and children.

Oval Dental Centre offers mercury-free, tooth-coloured, resin composite fillings to our patients. This aesthetic dental treatment matches the shade of your teeth, so you don’t have to worry about showing dark-coloured amalgam fillings when you smile.

It also conserves more natural tooth structure during placement compared to old-styled amalgam fillings.

Do you know that over time, amalgam fillings can expand and cause cracks and fractures of teeth? Tooth-coloured resin-filled teeth are proven to have less cracks and fractures in comparison.

Book now if you think you may need a filling.

Tooth Extraction

Unfortunately, sometimes teeth can be too decayed to be saved and extraction is necessary. Our dentists can discuss replacement options with patients.

When is tooth extraction necessary? Although we strive to keep our patients’ oral health at tip-top shape, some patients come to us too late to keep their teeth.

Sometimes we see teeth that are just too decayed, or too loose to be kept in mouth. Other reasons for extraction include making room for orthodontics in a crowded mouth, or wisdom teeth discomfort.

In such cases, a tooth extraction is necessary to maintain dental health. Our dentists can assess if tooth extraction is needed and what replacement options are there afterwards.

Book now if you think you may need an extraction.

Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth experiences distress caused by extensive decay or tooth trauma, root canal treatment may be done to help you keep a tooth rather than extracting it.

Keeping your tooth helps to prevent your other teeth from drifting out of line and causing jaw problems. It also avoids having to replace it with an artificial tooth.

With our modern dental techniques, having root canals done by our dentists is no longer a scary experience.

Book now if you think you may need to have a root canal treatment done.


Losing or chipping a tooth can be a traumatic experience, especially if the empty space it leaves is visible when you smile.

A crown is used to cover a tooth to restore it to its normal shape and size, strengthening functionality and improving its appearance.

Crowns can be used to seal cracked teeth, to support a large filling when there is not enough of the tooth remaining, to protect weak teeth from fracturing, to restore fractured teeth, or to cover badly shaped or discoloured teeth. A crown could be necessary after a root canal procedure.

Gold alloy, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal are three typical choices of material for crowns and bridges. Traditionally, crown and bridge restoration requires at least 2 appointments.

The first appointment is for shaping the tooth and taking a mold inside the patient’s mouth. Patient leaves with a temporary crown or bridge. The mold is then sent out to a lab where the crown is made within a week or two.

During the second appointment the temporary crown or bridge will be removed, and the lab-made final prosthesis will be tried in and cemented.

With the new CEREC technology, we are capable of doing crowns and bridges in one single appointment.

Book now if you think you may need to have a dental crown done.


Chipping a tooth can be a traumatic experience, especially if it shows when you smile.

A bridge is a way of replacing a missing tooth that uses the adjacent teeth of the lost one as anchors to hold the replacement tooth in place. If left unfilled, this space can cause the surrounding teeth to drift out of position and can cause teeth and gums to become more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease that can cause further tooth loss.

Gold alloy, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal are three typical choices of material for crowns and bridges. Traditionally, crown and bridge restoration requires at least 2 appointments.

The first appointment is for shaping the tooth and taking a mold inside the patient’s mouth. Patient leaves with a temporary crown or bridge. The mold is then sent out to a lab where the crown is made within a week or two.

During the second appointment the temporary crown or bridge will be removed, and the lab-made final prosthesis will be tried in and cemented.

With the new CEREC technology, we are capable of doing crowns and bridges in one single appointment.

Book now if you think you may need to have a dental bridge done.

Dental Implants

Missing teeth can have a number of consequences: difficulty in eating, speaking, shrinkage of jaw bone, and changes of shape of the face.

Oval Dental Centre provides dental implants that can help you gain back your confidence in smiling, and enjoy the food that you like.

Other tooth replacement options like denture and bridge do not allow chewing to the same amount of forces as dental implant. Research studies show that even a well fitted denture only produces at most 20% of the chewing force of natural teeth. Bridge is at 40-60%, while implant is at 80%. Implant undoubtedly is the most superior option to tooth replacement.

Moreover, dentures and bridges do not maintain your jaw bone after extraction. Jaw bone shrinkage can lead to an altered face shape, thus an older appearance. Implant is the only option that can help maintain jaw bone.

On average, dental implants also last longer than the dentures and dental bridges.

Book now if you think you may need to have a dental implant done.

Other Services We Offer

Preventive & General Dentistry

Dental Examination

Dental Cleaning

Pediatrics Dentistry

Sport Mouth Guard

Minimal Sedation

Cosmetic Dentistry

Teeth Whitening



What you need to know about your appointment

Below are a few of helpful tips to know before your appointment.

Book the right appointment

To ensure we have enough time for your appointment, choose the right type of service when booking. If you are unsure, please contact us and our staff will gladly book the right service for you.

Bring your insurance information with you

If you have extended health benefits or dental insurance coverage, please give us the details prior to the appointment. Our team members will help you process the insurance claim.

Arrive early

To avoid unnecessary stress the day of your appointment, we recommend arriving between 10 to 15 minutes earlier from your appointment. This will allow for a smooth check-in at the reception and will ensure that your appointment starts on time.

Dental health starts here

Connect with us with your questions and appointment requests. One of our team members will assist you.

Dental health starts here

Connect with us with your questions and appointment requests. One of our team members will assist you.


#130 7488 Lansdowne Road
Richmond, BC
V7C 0B9

© 2024 Oval Dental Centre. All rights reserved.